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Digital art

Task: Create 3 characters based on Charlie's concept art. (Olga, Vasilissa and The Wizard King)

My development plan for these characters consisted of using multiple 3D software's for specific functions.

I used a software called Sculptris (Pixologic) 3D sculpting software for creating quick basic meshes, since Charlie's

character concepts are  stylised,  I believed it was best to sculpt from a sphere rather than a human base mesh.

The purpose of using 3D is to keep the art and style consistent, for instance the proportions of the character will remain the same as I will be rendering from the same 3D mesh within the software in a 2D view.

When it comes to creating the Sprite sheet I will be using the pose tool, this will allow me to adjust the posture of the characters using sequential images as references.




The 3D program I use to start off with is Sculptris, which allows me to create quick base meshes and easily manage the subdivision levels which enables me to manipulate a number of polygons the mesh has. The more polys the more detail.

However since this character will not be used in a 3D game, there is no need to set restrictions for poly count, as for the games visual style I believe lower poly is better as they do not require too much detail.

My only restriction concerning Poly count is to ensure that there isn't too much that it will cause my system to slow down, this will make the rendering, rigging, painting and posing the character a tricky process and possibly cause the system to crash.

I then gradually sculpt the character starting from the head. 

My goal was simply to ensure that I have the character roughly fleshed out, then add the details.

After the character is made in Sculptris, I then export it as a (.OBJ) to Mudbox.  

This file format can be opened in most 3D programs.

Mudbox was used for the purpose of painting, stylized rendering via viewport filter in conjunction with the pose tools which enables me to pose the character where I aim to create a sequential 2D animation.

To add the finishing touches I use Photoshop to improve the color and add other details.

The final program I used was adobe illustrator where you can convert to a vector image, so we can scale the size of without losing the original quality and resolution.

The Wizard King

I used the same development pipeline when creating the Wizard King.


1. Create Base Mesh In Sculptris

2. Add details, paint and stylized renders in Mudbox

3. Photoshop to fix and improve rendered images

4. Adobe Illustrator to convert to Vector Image


Creating Sprite's

When creating the sprite sheets I used the Mudbox pose tool which enables me to create a skeletal rig with bones and joints which allow me to pose the character, then render each pose and put into a sprite sheet which then will cause the sequence of images to animate. 

Olga run

The Wizard King Sprite's   (Float/Laugh/Magic)

 3D Turntable


The Wizard King

We decided to make the 2D approach as it best fits the original concepts.

None of the above will be used in the game.


© 2017 by JN

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